Monday, June 2, 2008

Fiji Pics

So I've been working all day on this slide show....with a little help from Jen and I managed to scrapbook 4 pages on photoshop! Yea!!! I think I've had enough today... so I'm taking a break and I'll finish some more later.

Fiji was amazing!!! We had a really good time laying out at the beach, snorkeling, cooking easy mac, and shopping at the local market (that was a little scary!!!). After living Saturday twice and a long plane ride, we finally made it home safe and sound with a lovely tan :)! I hoping maybe one day I'll get to go back.


Jen said...

hey, it was fun scrapbooking today-I think you will be an adict in no time. Oh, and thanks so much for helping out with the kids. You are a lifesaver.

anne said...

I'm glad you got to have one last "hoorah" before you get married. It looks so beautiful there and I hope one day I can talk Jace into going.

Pace Family said...

Hey Jalee Sorry i missed your birthday on Sunday so today I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY.